It is difficult to think of anything simpler to make that is so good for your health than dissolving a spoonful of raw honey in a glass of water?
First, keeping your body well hydrated is crucial for “optimum performance”. Studies show that we do not function as well when we are marginally dehydrated, which is a state which is more common than you may imagine and why it is recommended you drink approximately two litres of water a day.
Then, of course, you have the additional benefit of the honey itself, one of mankind’s oldest “medicines” and a documented history of such for as long as civilization has been documented. Those benefits are the same today, but owing to the way we process so much of the food we eat today, one caveat has to be added.
Raw honey is good for you, processed honey has just a few of the same benefits.
When we say honey is good for you, we are referring to raw, untreated honey, just as nature intends it to be. We are not talking about refined, filtered, heated, and treated honey with a large amount of high-fructose corn syrup added.
Taking honey that has been dissolved in water is excellent for your stomach, especially for reducing acidity, and as honey is a natural form of sugar, it is easily processed and absorbed by the human digestive system.
There is also ample evidence backed up by robust research to show that drinking a glass of honey water every day can help reduce levels of cholesterol and the antioxidants found in raw honey can also prevent narrowing of the arteries. There is, of course, one other excellent reason for drinking honeyed water, especially when made with raw honey and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice – the taste is magical.